Summer in germany – becoming a Camp Leader

Dream Job:
CAMP Leader

Are you looking for an exciting job with a first-team management function during the German and Austrian school holidays? Do you speak fluent German and English and enjoy working with children and young people ages 8 to 16?

Would you like to gain experience and learn from professionals for your future career in the areas of education, languages, travel, sports, sports management, etc.?

„camps for friends”  is one of the leading providers of language camps for children and young people. With an international team of leaders and supervisors, the most beautiful youth centers, and a unique program, we offer unforgettable English holidays of the highest quality.

Camp Leader Profile

These are our expectations

These are your tasks

This is what we offer

Our Camp Leaders & Counselorsspeak forthemselves


“I always thought that a language is the most important tool for building bridges and connecting with people. My main goal for camps for friends is to provide children with a tool that will have a significant impact on their lives and interactions in the future.“ – Sofia, 22

„I have been working with children of all ages for 9 years and it is for sure one of the best gifts in life. Every winter I am waiting for a new camp season to start as Camps for friends is the absolute highlight of each summer! Unforgettable Memories, fun activities, and genuine happiness of the children just warm my heart.“  – Dima, 22

„Camps for friends is the type of camp where you can actually see the progress the kids make over the course of a week. It’s heartwarming to see the kids gain confidence and the ability to express themselves in a foreign language. As a person who as a kid went often to language camps, this is a great way for me to give back and help a new generation of kids fall in love with language learning.“ – Josefina, 26


  • Teaching English in  English Learning Projects
    5 x 4 x 45min .
  • On- and Offside Training for Counselors and Leaders in guidelines, methodology & material
  • Great Counselor to student ratio of 1:8
  • Full Immersion into the English Language in- and outside the classroom
  • Administrative Support by on-site staff


  • 11 fantastic locations (boarding schools and hotels) in Germany, from St. Peter-Ording (in northern Germany) to Haltern am See (in middle Germany) to the picturesque Chiemsee (in southern Germany)
  • extraordinary buildings  (old boarding schools, hotels) 
  • particularly beautiful scenery (directly at the sea/ lake sometimes with own pier)
  • outstanding infrastructure (sailing marinas, own gym, boulder gym, modern classrooms with multimedia technology)

Room & Board

Sie sehen eine Familie am Frühstücksbuffet im JUFA Kempten mit herzhafter oder süßer Auswahl. JUFA Hotels bietet kinderfreundlichen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub für die ganze Familie.
  • Full board including a varying cuisine with set lunch and dinner
  • comfortable 2-3 bed rooms, single rooms for leaders
  • Above-average accomodation


  • Wide range of activities that you will take part in with the students including tennis, swimming, sailing and many more. 
  • Exciting bus trips to other touristic attractions
  • Evening activities like bonfire, disco, movie night


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Persönliche Beratung

Unser camps for friends Team steht Ihnen Mo-Fr von 09:00 -17:00 Uhr zur Verfügung.


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Entdecken Sie unser komplettes Programm – für Kids & Teens (8-17 Jahre). Auch unser pädagogisches Konzept, unsere
Motivation, die Aktivitäten vor Ort u.v.m. stellen wir im pdf vor.

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und kontaktieren Sie uns gerne auch persönlich:
Tel: + 49 (0)89 2000 36 0

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  • Keine Rabatt-Aktion mehr verpassen
  • Von attraktiven Treue-Rabatten profitieren
  • Mehr erfahren zu unseren Camps und Konzepten
  • Wertvolle Tipps & Tricks rund ums Englisch lernen
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