School Residential Trip
Jules Verne Campus

Jules Verne Campus

Dear parents of the Jules Verne Campus,

We are very pleased to be able to offer your children, together with the learning guides of the Jules Verne Campus School, an unforgettable class trip to Lake Starnberg / Possenhofen. You have already received all the information from the school about the class trip from 24 to 26 July 2024.

However, you are welcome to download the presentation with all the information here. 

Booking & Payment

To book, please go through the booking process in the booking form below. After submitting your booking, you will receive a booking confirmation and an invoice. Please make sure that you make the payment by no later than Sunday, the 2nd of July.

Packing List & Parental Declaration

With your booking confirmation you will also receive a link to the Customer Centre, where you will find a packing list for your child as well as the „Parental Declaration“ form, which you can use to provide us with all the necessary information about your child’s medication, eating habits and food allergies.

Room allocation

1 week before departure, your Customer Service will tell you which children your child will be sharing a room with.

If you have any questions for the school, please contact your class learning guides.

If you have any questions regarding your booking, payment or the Customer Service Centre, please contact:

We wish all children and teachers an unforgettable school trip.

Yours sincerely,

Your camps for friends Team



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Persönliche Beratung

Unser camps for friends Team steht Ihnen Mo-Fr von 09:00 -17:00 Uhr zur Verfügung.